Q> What such of SMF and what is the difference from "Modem Upgrade Wizard"?


  1. MUW was made by 3Com, and "Sportster Modem Flasher" I made myself. ;-)
  2. SMF knows how to recover firmware after it damaged. Messages "Boot>" and "Modem Code Corrupt" do not mean the mortal sentence for modem.
  3. The firmware (SFF) for SMF are more universal, for example one file 00568500.SFF can be used for xx117102, xx178500, xx1749xx, xx2435xx.
  4. SMF doesn't process the replacement of the Boot-block, which potentially is dangerous.
  5. Last but not Least: allows to correct Magic Number.

Q> Is it safe to flash a modem at all?

A: Before emerging SMF was rather dangerous, sometimes in case of flashing failure the interference of the qualified expert was required. Now there is almost no risk - SMF will recover firmware by itself.

Q> I have recently used MUW, make a call to 3Com, the last firmware was installed, V.90 works wonderfully!

A: You was lucky. You don't need SMF, yet. Others wasn't so lucky, in some cases protocol V.90 was blocked, there aren't any DMF for many "Asian" models, in some (as happened with me) after upgrading by MUW there was a failure and modem needed to hand over under the warranty. I hadn't such ability, and it was one of reasons why SMF has been appeared.

By the way, don't you have DMF file you have installed? If I don't have such DMF, can you give it to me?

Q> Are you so sure, that 3Com's programmers are worse than you?

A: No, there are excellent programmers in 3Com who have written a code of firmware. But the programmer who has written MUW has made some mistakes. Besides 3Com, as the manufacturer, has different interests, than user have.

Q> Is it possible to use *.DMF files together with SMF?

A: No, the algorithm of decoding DMF is unknown for me. I'm even don't want to know how it encoded. I can make a trick and get IHOF code (Intel Hex Object Format) not only from DMF, from international updates (*.EXE) too, even without modem with same "Device ID".

Q> Why the SFF files are longer than DMF?

A: Both SFF and DMF represent of compressed IHOF file, and SMF uses more simple algorithm of compression. Nevertheless in modem, firmware will take identical volume.

Q>What it is necessary to know before update by SMF?

A: To find out "Device ID" by commands "ATGBOOT5", "ATI" - receive 8-digital number; to return to a normal mode - command "ATGM". Or simple run SMF and seek Device ID in status line. Select necessary firmware using Device ID.

Q> After a command "ATGBOOT5" the string "CONNECT" has been returned and modem don't respond to commands.

A: Power off and on modem (computer if modem is internal). Your modem can't be updated. Neither SMF, nor MUW will help you.

Q> Why did you offer same SFF for different modems?

A: Because in DMF it really the same also. If you take a look inside DMFs for 00084005, 00178701, 00178702 and 00568700 - you can figure 568700m.hex firmware.

Q> And what is the best firmware for my modem?

A: Flash all compatible firmware in queue and compare results. I don't know which will appears best in your conditions. First try code from "V.90" column, but other also may works better.

Q> Is it necessary to flash x2 firmware before V.90?

A: For SMF it is irrelevant.

Q> And what old firmware lie on yours site for?

A: To have a possibility to return your previous firmware.

Q> So, downloaded SMF and firmware, and what is next?

A: Note the native serial number (also is actual MUW) the new firmware can have other method of coding S/N in NVRAM. Use a command "AT~S?" to find out current S/N.

To restore it, use a command like "AT~SF=123456781234567812345678", and there must be first 24 digits. Works only in new firmware.

Q> During I'm flash modem computer has hung up (or was unplugged).

A: Nothing terrible, just run SMF modem again. SMF perfectly manages such problem, in difference from MUW. It is not required to do any additional operations from you.

Q> Why SMF is selected port COM3 by default?

A: Because I like 3COM... Yep... :-) Because I'm use COM3 (and IRQ5), it is only one way for me to make accessible all com-ports on motherboard and internal modem. Simply select port, used by you..

Q> And what speed will you advise for flashing?

A: Maximum - for internal modem and for external connected by 16550A chip. On slow computers and in case of loosing data - reduce speed.

Q> There has been newer version of SMF appeared on your site, is it necessary to flash modem again?

A: No, the sense will be only from new firmware (it concerns and MUW). But if new version of SFF is released - get latest SMF as well.

Q> There is no present DMF and SFF firmware for my modem.

A: Many models of Sportster are actually the same hardware. There was ten "non-native" firmware working normally with my modem. Look throw the SMF.ICL file, if you see your model in a line with other - you can test this firmware with your modem.

Q> And how can I become a Tester?

A: Install at least one "non-native" not tested firmware. The experience shows, that "internal" firmware will work with internal modems and "external" firmware with external modems. The voice options almost nothing to care.

Q> And how can I flash my modem by "non-native" firmware?

A: And are you sure you will manage it? In case of failure you will be restoring your modem by yourself. Knowing of electronic and chips pinout will helps you. If you are not sure - consult me first.

Q> I agree, I am ready for troubles.

A: In the beginning - having serviceable "native" firmware is a good idea. Download the latest version of SMF, to start, click on first, then second, then on the first line again. The second line will be replaced with "Pro mode activated". It will stop checking for compatibility (SMF.ICL file).

Q> In the SMF.ICL file there is a line like "xx174200", and my modem answers to commands "ATGBOOT5" - "ATI" as "66174200".

A: The two first digits mean nothing for flashing. Put 66174200 in one line with xx174200. Check up work and inform me.

Q> I have poured "non-native" firmware and modem has hung up. What have I to do?

A: Don't panic! If it was MUW - all it would be much more complicated. Firmware in my modem has been corrupted many-many-many times...

Open modem or computer, that there was an access to modem's chips. Find a flash chip, there is a label with the check-sum, beneath there is a marks of firm: "AMD", "Intel" and digits of a type È29Fxxx. The first leg is always marked with a point or recess. It is necessary during switching on the computer or modem to give "ground" on one of higher address line. Third pin usually is the best. If third hasn't helped try 2, 29, 28, 30, 1 and 48 pins. If in the terminal window on command "AT" there is an answers "Boot>" - it is possible to flash another firmware.

Q> Terrible! You have frightened me, perhaps it is not necessary to experiment.

A: Yes, if there is no enough experience - does not try to install other firmware! Lots of firmware were tested before you. The results of all tests hit in the SMF.ICL file.

And everything, that has passed tests is completely safe.

Q> I have used a firmware from 3Com and my Device ID was changed. Now there are no acceptable firmware, is it possible to recover my ID?

A: In difference from the Serial Numbers Device ID is placed in the Boot-block, and the incorrect installation of the new boot-block would hang up your modem forever, and making short-circuit at the pins of flash won't be of any sense. Only expert would help. It is easier to use only SMF, it can change firmware with any of Device ID.

Q> And nevertheless?

A: Yes, with the help of SMF some has already changed Device ID together with the boot-block. If you were not frightened with the previous answers - contact me personally. Anyway this procedure is rather dangerous, I need to check your experience then send required Boot-block to you. Probably, one day, I'll make the version of SMF, which will be able to change Device ID on your wish.

Q> I've flashed my modem both by MUW and by SMF, and V.90 has not worked.

A: At first V.90 works only with ISP which use digital telephone line and all conditions for "half-digital" connection also should be observed. Second protocol V.90 can be blocked, especially if you get your DMF firmware file not directly from 3Com. Try to connect with your ISP by other V.90 modem.

Q> The modem of my friend works on V.90 on my telephone, mine - doesn't.

A: Protocol V.90 in your modem is blocked. Pay attention - whether the Serial Number ends with ZZZZ.

Q> There are letters "Z" in my Courier's Serial Number.

A: Copy-protection in Couriers is not depends on Serial Numbers validation.

Q> My Sportster's serial number ends with "ZZZZ" string.

A: There are two way out:

Q> And what is about "Magic Number" and why it is "Magic"?

A: This Number is "Magic" because MUW is "Wizard" only. ;-)))
Magic Number was invented by 3Com for Sportsters to prevent them from illegal upgrading. During call to 3Com MUW sends the Serial Number of your modem, and receive back firmware with correct "Magic Number". In SMF it is changed manually, without call to 3Com.
"Magic Number" is not required if your modem is support high-speed protocols initially.

Q> And it is possible to change Magic Number without flashing new firmware?

A: No, the algorithm of flashing does not allow it.

Q> I do not want to make long-distance call to 3Com.

A: Clear the serial number (type AT~SF=000000000000000000000000 at terminal window) and use null Magic Number.

Q> The serial number has not changed.

A: Change it after flashing by new firmware.

Q> I do not want to spoil my serial number.

A: Send your S/N to me and to substantiate the request with some money.

Q> And I'll "crack" SMF.

A: You are welcome, Magic Number is controlled not in SMF, but in firmware. Breaking IHOF - is a much more perspective occupation.

Q> Perhaps I'll not risk and I use MUW.

A: O.K. But chances to receive damaged modem is not equal to zero. You will not recover spoiled firmware without the interference of the experts, if using MUW. Therefore before using MUW it is better to get SMF and serviceable in your modem firmware.

Q> Where can I take latest version of SMF and firmware to it?

A: http://skyscraper.fortunecity.com/3com/777

Q> There is no firmware for my model.

A: Visit 3Com and check is your update available? (may be it can't be flash at all). Then inform me, if it must be exists - I'll find it and convert it for SMF. Elsewhere I can offer only experimental tested "non-native" firmware.

Q> And if flash "non-native" firmware and later 3Com will release "native"?

A: After native update has been released by 3Com it will be exist and for SMF. Then you can flash it without any problem, if not by MUW but by SMF - really.

Q> I don't have internet, only e-mail, can you send me SMF by e-mail?

A: I can send you if you pay me. Or ask your friends and try to find the SMF in e-mail conferences.

Q> There is no answer for my question.

A: Ask me it personally, preferable using indicated address. Please mark it "for FAQ" if it really must be here.

Q> How can I contact you?

A: Most reliable method - letter to the address usr.flasher@usa.net. Most operating - ICQ# 322191

Q> I wrote you the letter, and answer has not come.

A: It is possible there was nothing to answer in the moment or no enough time. Also the delays for the technical or financial reasons are possible (probable). Nevertheless any message will be read and whenever possible all wishes are taken into account.

Q> Did you skills in the "Couriers"?

A: Present me the Courier and I would.
And besides for Couriers you can get everything you need.

Q> What are your further plans?


Terms of fulfillment of these plans depend on my financial position, availability of the appropriate documentation and programs and help of others.

Q> How can I help you?

A: Enter group of support of SMF, help with:

Q> What's your real name ?

A: My real name - Virtuality.
"Only there we are such, as we are actually" (c) "Lawnmower Man" ;-)

Frankly speaking: SMF - is not the best, that could be.
When I'll be skill in "Texas Instruments" chips - I will be "TMS Code Burster" :-)))
So now - I am simple - Flasher.