Last year's snow was falling. You can't say for sure but it was sometime long ago still in the old-clay times in some plasticine region... Ugh, i wanted to tell you about the pike (kind of fish, in russian tales usually smart and capable of doing anything)... You know, in this story, i see, it happens whatever it wants. Sometimes sculpting is going ok, sometimes not. Let's say one day met two nice lovely... Oh... Those are carried away too. No, here's, let's say here's a miller. A miller decided to... I can tell such a thing about him! (a classical russian tale about pulling a turnip is depicted) Or this: one tankard was chained forever... However let's avoid this topic. And one citizen loved watermelons very much. Remind me about this, i'll tell you about him tomorrow, ok? Be quiet! Quiet, quiet, quiet. All that was prelude (pre-tale), here is he, here is he whom i will be telling about. Nicely cut out, dexterously formed, he's exactly like i was in the youth. Oh, where did he went? I wanted to tell a tale about him, i would made him a Tsar. He ruined my mood. Here're those bones, dogs again, those tankards. Oh, where is the tankard! ... Oh, what a tale... Here's he! So i'm telling that long time ago in some platicine region. Oh wait, don't you disappear, ok? Once upon a time there was an Eagle-man (a compliment). (Speaks impedimently) "I can't understand a thing!" But he couldn't say some letters and digits. And a kind of worker he was... ehem, exactly. But he was a great lover to have a loaf. Good thing he got (accidentally) a wife who was strict and authoritative. Once right before a New Year she sent him... Ehem, all in all sent him for the christmas tree. "She sent me seriously, indeed". "She tells that's a bad New Year without a tree". Why are you wandering here, what are you measuring! If you're sent, now cut! "That's not quite enough, you know, not quite enough". Ah, that's another matter, here's Queen fir for you. The whole house! He's prowling. Why are you prowling? "Tss. Stop talking! Do you see the beast, no? I'll catch him." Heh, what a dream. "Decent beast. Fur, meat. I'll fry many cracklings... No, i'll better bring him to the marketplace. Plenty of fools there and i bet not so many hares. Who wants a hare? A hare, a hare run-hare? Who needs a hare? Freshly cought!.. Whatever you want, but that's not quite enough... Not quite enough!.. If i am such a good merchant, why do i need such a skinny wife? Not quite enough!.. Please meet my half." With such a wife you should have a good mansion. This. No, no, or this. No, no, like this! "I say that's not quite enough, not quite enough!" And do you want a white-stone palace? Or a house - full cup. "Stop, stop, backwards, not the thing. Another house will build (luxurously). Reliable. Backwards. Good. What even if i am greedy? But that's sincerely... Yes, that's the palace. Yes, that's the huge thing! And i, with such a fontain, will become a boyard. We, boyards, are good workers, that's how our boyardian life is... Not quite enough. That's my size." Hey, haven't you forgotten about the tree? Dumb boayrd, eh? "When an acorn is ripe, every pig will eat it... With such pigs, one's becoming... I can enroll in Tsars. Yes. Who is here, for example, the last for a Tsar position? Nobody? Then I'll be the first! Nobody? Then i'll be the first. Give me the coach, you understand, the coach." What a nice palace, with swans, with stuffed animals. "Oh, i love and respect this wealth so much... When i'll become a Tsar, first i'll do. For the first i'll do... what will i do? A piano. That's not a life without a piano. I'll be organising feasts. Not quite enough. The feast should be sumptuous..." Oh, your happinnes flew away. "Let you be damned... Oh, so dull. Yesterday i was Tsar, today i'm Tsar, every day i'm Tsar. Not quite enough. Why am i not quite big myself? Not, not quite enough!" Wait, come on wait, come to you senses. Stop growing, you'll blow. "Not quite, not quite enough!" So, see the result of your knocking? "Oh, but hare, wait. Wait!" No tree, no hare, nothing. You lost your matches in spring already. "Eheh, pianina..." Still i have a pity for him. (The end) Is this really the end? "The end, the end, ends go into water. (idiomatic, means hide something forever)". The wife didn't let him. Sent him again for the fir. "Go and don't come back without a fir. But with a fir, come back." "What a forest. Firs, where did you all go? Oh, you're reminding me of somebody, lady. It seems you wasn't here before." Don't spit! Have you forgotten the proverb? (Don't spit into a well, it'll be you of use when you'll want to drink some water) Nevermind, you'll remember it soon. "Is everybody in the house?" (are you sane?) "Let it be... That's some madhouse. Not quite enough." Listen, why are you ordering here, were you called? "Stop talking, you bore. A light, hehe. Some old stuff, that's some junk... What a fine work that is. Beatiful, hearty. Oh, oh! (The sign reads: "Don't smoke! Fasten the seatbelts") Oh, i don't understand a thing!" Too cold, my darling, to sit on snow... You can't precompute everything. "Oh." So greedy hands you have. "Heh, what a thing they do with that heels..." Oh, what a curious nose you have. "What a nice doormat. Was." Your eyes can't be sated. "What's that? Looks like it's wooden." That's your head that is wooden! "And i say" And this wand is magical. Carefully! Yes, you're some greedy guy. "I can't understand a thing!" You'll understand now! "Hey you grow backwards, grow backwards i say. What're these toys? Oh, help me, help me. I'm dieing. Want to live so much... That stuff i've already seen." Shave or not, you don't look like a fir anyway... Many firs, many of yous, not quite enough sense. "Now i can turn into anything i want, such a pleasant flexibility formed in the body!.. But i can't turn into myself." Everything with you is not ding-ding. "Oh, mama, enough! Enough, i don't play anymore. How will i go home? I don't even have legs... And there's wife at home... Hey, wand, my helpful, go here... Lady, let me go, i know a magic word: Please." "Hey, guys, it's me. Gotta go from 'ere" "Oh, where is she? Where's she, i say? There was a house here i think. Why are you keeping silence? Why don't you say anything?" You bored me. "Oh, really, those fairy tales!.. Oh, really, those fairy-tellers!.." That's how the tale ended. Now the real truth starts. For the third time he went to get the fir-tree and finally obtained it... But it was spring already and he returned it back...