Kino (cinema) Victor Tsoy Mother, we're all seriously ill Seeds dropped on soil, seeds ask for rain They need rain Cut my chest open, look inside You'll see: everything there is on fire In a day it'll be late, in an hour it'll late, In a moment it won't be possible to stay up; If the keys do not fit the door, Knock the door with a shoulder. Chorus: Mother, we're all seriously ill, Mother, i know, we all gone mad Steel between the fingers, clenched fist, Stab above the hand that torments the flesh, But instead of blood inside the veins there is stalled poison, Slow poison. Broken world, jaded foreheads, the bread broken in half And somebody's crying and somebody's silent And somebody's so glad, somebody's so glad. Chorus. You must be strong, you must know how to say: Hands off! Off from me! You must be strong or otherwise why should you live. What will 1000 words worth when Strong hands will matter, And you're staying on a bank Deciding to swim or not to swim? Chorus.