Back from Fosdem, OpenOCD updates, AT91SAM7 support, ...

I've been a bit busy latey, and haven't had time to update this blog as often as I'd wanted to. Fosdem was really fun, and especially I'd like to thank Timo Hoenig (blog), Fred Blaise (blog), Holger Macht (blog) and the rest of the OpenSUSE team for the nice time in brussels.
You can grab the slides of my OpenOCD talk or even the video (thanks to Michael Opdenacker from Free Electrons).

I've put a rather large update into the subversion repository, which should make OpenOCD more usable (you don't have to shut the daemon down so often anymore, initialization scripts, ...)and more stable (reinitialize Embedded-ICE after a testlogic-reset, better timeout handling, ...).

This also includes a patch for writing the internal flash found on Atmel AT91SAM7 flashes by Magnus Lundin (thanks a lot). I don't have a SAM7 to test myself, so please report back if you encounter any problems.

I've started moving the OpenOCD documentation to the OpenOCD's entry in the Berlios OpenFacts Wiki. Currently, there's documentation for the configuration file, and I'm planning to document every available feature as well as some general usage notes there. Please feel free to contribute, if you feel there's something missing.
